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Databases and Resources for Grades 9-12


GALE Chilton Library. Car with gear icon.

Chilton Library

Step-by-step instructions for your auto repair needs. Includes videos and animations, close-up images, wiring diagrams, diagnostic information, and maintenance and specification tables.


Career Match - Gale Ebook

Career Match: Connecting Who You Are with What You’ll Love to Do

This book is designed to help people discover their ideal work. Using the author’s revealing ten-minute self-assessment, the book helps readers determine their personality style, then walks them through the range of career choices best for them.

Learning Express: Career Center

Are you preparing for a professional exam? Curious about a particular occupation or looking to improve your workplace skills? This center will set you up for a bright career future.

Learning Express: College Preparation Center

Study for and practice college admission tests and application essays. From AP Exams to the ACT and SAT, this center is devoted to college entrance.

Learning Express: College Students

For college students, resources to help strengthen academic skills, prepare for placement tests, and get ready for graduate school entrance exams.

Packaging Yourself: The Targeted Resume - Gale Ebook

Packaging Yourself: The Targeted Resume

This guide uses case studies to teach the nuances of résumé preparation, as well as how to combine it with a LinkedIn profile. It provides guidance in making a resume stand out, highlighting strengths and hiding weaknesses, creating a marketing piece that dynamically presents you just the way you want prospective employers to see you.

Teens' Guide to College and Career Planning - Gale Ebook

Teen’s Guide to College and Career Planning

This guide enables high school students to make important decisions involving life after graduation. Includes advice from guidance counselors, instructors, college admission officials, military officers, and other high school students, as well as tips for interviews, resumes, and cover letters.

EBSCOhost Vocational and Career Center. Wrench and gear icon.

Vocational and Career Collection

Provides coverage for trade and industry-related periodicals for high schools, community colleges, trade institutions and the general public.


Learning Express: Popular Software Tutorials

Learn to use the most popular software programs from Microsoft Office, along with Adobe Photoshop, and the Windows and Macintosh operating systems.

Makers at Work - Gale Ebook

Makers at Work: Folks Reinventing the World One Object or Idea at a Time

As all the interviews in this work show, makers have something in common: reverence for our technical past coupled with an aversion to convention. If they can’t invent new processes or products, it’s simply not worth doing.

Scratch Programming for Teens - Gale Ebook

Scratch™ Programming for Teens

This book focuses on Scratch, a programming language intended to make programming easier to learn for novice programmers. It can be used to create computer games, interactive stories, graphic artwork and computer animation, and all sorts of other multimedia projects. Scratch can also be used to play digital music and sound effects.

VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever - Gale Ebook

VideoHound’s Golden Movie Retriever

Reviews movies that are available on DVD or tape. Each entry includes title, alternate title, one-to four-bone rating, year released, MPAA rating, brief review, length, format, country of origin, cast, technical personnel, awards and made-for-television/cable/video designations.

GED/High School Equivalency

High School Equivalency Center

Use this center to prepare for the GED™ test and other equivalency exams with tutorials, eBooks, and practice tests.


Explora for Secondary Schools

Explora Secondary

Designed specifically for high school libraries, Explora Secondary is a full-text database of popular magazines, reference books, and primary sources covering many subjects, including history, science, and health. It also includes over a million photos, maps, and flags.

Learning Express: High School Students

The resources here can help students and educators in high school prepare for important tests, get extra help with assignments, and boost their skills in important subjects.

Learning Express: Recursos para Hispanohablantes

Recursos en Español para adultos: Mejore sus niveles académicos, prepárese para el examen de GED®, prepárese para su Ciudadanía Americana, y más.

EBSCOhost MAS Ultra School Edition. Book with magnifying glass icon.

MAS Ultra

Contains content from popular high school magazines covering a wide range of subject areas including history, science, careers and more.

EBSCOhost Newspaper Source Plus.

Newspaper Source Plus

Full text coverage of major newspapers, videos, and podcasts covering critical news topics.

Publication Finder

Browse and search for scholarly magazines and journals by title or subject.

EBSCOhost Topic search. Book with magnifying glass book icon.


Content explores current events, social, political, economic, scientific, and other popular topics frequently discussed in the classroom.

World Book Advanced. Search symbol.

World Book Advanced

Encyclopedia for high school or new college students. Includes multimedia, e-book center with public domain content, and primary source documents.

World Book Discover. Telescope icon.

World Book Discover

Designed for high-interest, low reading level content, this tool is useful for new readers of English.


Human Diseases and Conditions - Gale Ebook

Complete Human Diseases and Conditions

Presents information on numerous diseases and conditions, including definitions, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, and lifestyles.

Drugs and Controlled Substances: Info for Students - Gale Ebook

Drugs and Controlled Substances: Information for Students

Contains information on the physiological and psychological effects of addictive drugs and substances, from illegal drugs to commonly abused classes of prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

Encyclopedia of Drug Abuse - Gale Ebook

Encyclopedia of Drug Abuse

This book covers the full range of illegal and legal drugs and how they impact society. 

Encyclopedia of Prescription Drugs - Gale Ebook

Gale Encyclopedia of Perscription Drugs: A Comprehensive Guide to the Most Common Medications

This encyclopedia features entries on the most commonly prescribed drugs. It describes potential side effects, drug and food interactions, recommended dosages, and warnings/precautions.

Nutrition and Well-Being A to Z - Gale Ebook

Nutrition and Well-Being A to Z

Examine the relationship between food and health on a historical, national and personal level. It analyzes how nutrition has affected quality of life, health and fitness in various countries at different times in history.


A New World Power: American from 1920 to 1945 - Gale Ebook

A New World Power: America from 1920 to 1945

This volume chronicles the political and social history of the United States in the aftermath of one world war through its engagement in another.

America Between the Civil War and the 20th Century - Gale Ebook

America Between the Civil War and the 20th Century: 1865 to 1900

This volume looks at American history between the Civil War and 20th century and includes firsthand accounts that reveal the prevailing ideologies of the time and shed light on significant people and events.

American Decades - Gale Ebook

American Decades (1900-1999)

A cross-disciplinary source for junior and high school users who need to analyze periods of contemporary American social history.

American Decades: Primary Sources - Gale Ebook

American Decades Primary Sources (2000-2009)

A cross-disciplinary source for junior and high school users who need to analyze periods of contemporary American social history.

American Eras - Gale Ebook

American Eras: Primary Sources (1600-1899)

Includes essays on events, publications, lifestyles and individuals important to the era of industrial development in U.S. history.

Encyclopedia of Recreation and Leisure in America - Gale Ebook

Encyclopedia of Recreation and Leisure in America

Survey of the pursuit of leisure in the United States, from Colonial to modern times. Coverage includes specific types of recreational activities as well as important themes in the history of leisure.

Encyclopedia of the New American Nation - Gale Ebook

Encyclopedia of the New American Nation

Covers the formative years of the United States, starting just prior to the American Revolution and ending with the inauguration of Andrew Jackson in 1829. Entries include major political markers and milestones, as well as the art, music, literature, and daily life of this period.

Fashion, Costume, and Culture - Gale Ebook

Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear Through the Ages

Provides facts and information about the cultural, religious, and social implications of human decoration and adornment throughout history, with a particular emphasis on the decades of the 20th century.

Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained - Gale Ebook

Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained

This resource contains information on topics relating to magic, witchcraft, the supernatural, and other mysterious phenomena.

Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History

Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History

Designed to answer such key questions as: How has the U.S. Constitution shaped the economy of the United States? What were the consequences of Prohibition on consumers behavior? 

EBSCOhost History Reference Source. World glob icon.

History Reference Source

Full text content of historical documents, biographies of historical figures, photos, maps, video, and other history reference materials.

The Growth of a Superpower: America from 1945 to Today - Gale Ebook

The Growth of a Superpower: America from 1945 to Today

This volume examines the trajectory of American history between the administrations of Harry Truman and Barack Obama and the factors that have shaped and sustained its development.

U.S. Imperialism and Progressivism: 1896 to 1920 - Gale Ebook

U.S. Imperialism and Progressivism: 1896 to 1920

This volume examines American history between the end of the Civil War and the end of World War I, considering in depth both the imperialist and progressive influences that heralded the country’s future position as a major force on the international stage.


Contemporary Novelists - Gale Ebook

Contemporary Novelists

Concise discussions of the lives and principal works of contemporary novelists, written by subject experts.

Contemporary Poets - Gale Ebook

Contemporary Poets

Concise discussions of the lives and principal works of poets from around the world, written by subject experts.

EBSCOhost Literary Reference Source. Book icon.

Literary Reference Source

Provides information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes.

Literary Themes for Students: Race and Prejudice - Gale Ebook

Literary Themes for Students: Race and Prejudice

Works included represent a wide range of circumstances in which individuals experience prejudice in American, British and world literature. The discussion goes well beyond race, religion, and gender into ethnicity, social status, mental and physical health, and personal beliefs and behaviors.

Literary Themes for Students: The American Dream - Gale Ebook

Literary Themes for Students: The American Dream

Provides readers with an overview of literary works that explore the theme of the American dream. Analyzes poetry, plays, short stories, novels, and works of nonfiction that address this theme in some capacity, and how that theme has been treated in literature at different times in history and across diverse cultures.

Literary Themes for Students: War and Peace - Gale Ebook

Literary Themes for Students: War and Peace

Presents a myriad of viewpoints, so that modern readers can begin to grasp the complexities of war and its impact. Such stories give voice to the individuals who fight and are fought against, who are injured, who suffer on the battlefield and at home, and who, inevitably, can no longer speak for themselves. Examines dominant and recurring subthemes in the literature of war; including survival, terrorism, leadership, and genocide.

NoveList Plus

Novelist Plus

Find fiction and non-fiction reading recommendations for all ages. Search by book title, author, genre, or key plot points. Find information about a book series and discussion guides for book groups.

Shakespeare for Students - Gale Ebook

Shakespeare for Students: Critical Interpretations of Shakespeare’s Plays and Poetry

Collection of essays by Shakespeare scholars that have been selected for students at the high school or undergraduate college level. Each entry includes a plot synopsis, principal themes, literary devices, historical context, and a critical overview.

U.X.L Encyclopedia of World Mythology - Gale Ebook

UXL Encyclopedia of World Mythology

Entry topics include gods and goddesses; heroes and other key characters; motifs and global themes; major myths; and national or cultural mythologies.


Alternative Energy - Gale Ebook

Alternative Energy: Fossil Fuels

Introduces students to issues surrounding current energy sources and alternative energy options.

Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics

Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics

This encyclopedia considers both the professional ethics of science and technology, and the ethical and political issues raised by science and technology in an increasingly complex and global society. This broad coverage supports the numerous courses in applied and professional ethics and policy related to the practice of science and technology in education.

Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering - Gale Ebook

Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: A GLobal Resource

This work considers both the professional ethics of science and technology, and the ethical and political issues raised by science and technology in an increasingly complex and global society.

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Extinction - Gale eBook

Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia: Extinction

This supplement explores all aspects of extinctions and extinct life, featuring approximately 80 articles outlining major extinctions and related scientific areas. Entries are written by nationally renowned subject experts specializing in zoology, paleontology, and environmental science.

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia - Gale Ebook

Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia

Features articles that familiarize readers with animals found everywhere on the globe, detailing their life cycles, predators, food systems, overall ecology, and much more.

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Evolution - Gale Ebook

Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia: Evolution

Covers evolution in detail and explores it from a scientific viewpoint. Includes comprehensive coverage of recent ideas and discoveries in the field of evolution.

Political Theories for Students - Gale Ebook

Political Theories for Students

Provides in-depth information on major political theories and systems from all time periods.

Real Life Math - Gale Ebook

Real-Life Math

Provides an understanding of commonly studied math concepts by illustrating their use in everyday life in everyday tasks, such as buying insurance, constructing a budget, reading graphs, adjusting cooking recipes or planning for retirement.

Scientific Thought In Context - Gale Ebook

Scientific Thought: In Context

Includes original essays written by leading experts in the field, primary source documents that articulate the interrelation of science and society, and sidebars on the cultural, economic, and political issues surrounding scientific thought — providing insights on leading social issues and exploring the impact of science on society through the ages.

Television in American Society - Gale Ebook

Television in American Society Reference Library

This collection gives students and teachers substantial material for discussion and research on how television has reflected and influenced American society and culture throughout its history, covering both positive and negative effects.

U.X.L Doomed: The Science Behind Disasters - Gale Ebook

UXL Doomed: The Science Behind Disasters

This work explores the science behind some of the worst global disasters of the 20th and 21st centuries, including structural and engineering failures, natural disasters, nuclear and industrial accidents, train derailments, and plane crashes.

U.X.L Encyclopedia of Science - Gale Ebook

UXL Encyclopedia of Science

This resource provides information on scientific theories, life forms, inventions, controversies, and discoveries.

Social Science

Cities of the United States - Gale Ebook

Cities of the United States

Provides vital information on 199 of America’s top cities. City-specific profiles organize pertinent facts and data.

Encyclopedia of Food and Culture - Gale Ebook

Encyclopedia of Food and Culture

Articles on food and its place in human culture and society. Find entries on everything from food preparation, distribution, holidays, cultures, nutrition, and health.

Human Geography: People and the Environment - Gale Ebook

Human Geography: People and the Environment

Provides insight into both regional and global issues by addressing fundamental and advanced topics critical to the study of human geography with special emphasis on exploring the impact of human habitation and economic activity on the environment.

Middle East Conflict - Gale Ebook

Middle East Conflict

Provides a comprehensive and objective overview of the people, events, and documents that are key to understanding the complex relationships of the countries and cultures of the Middle East.

U.X.L Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes - Gale Ebook

UXL Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes

Provides detailed studies of tribes from all over the United States and Canada, including small tribes and some that no longer exist. Gives detailed yet accessible information on history, religion, art, government, economy, daily life and current social and political issues.


Notable Sports Figures - Gale Ebook

Notable Sports Figures

Takes a close look at the people in sports who have captured attention because of their success on the playing field or controversy off the playing field.